Photo project “Mother and Daughter”. Blooming gardens of the Crimea.
Today I want to introduce you to an interesting and popular format of family photography – “Mother and daughter” because Dads harder to persuade photographed.
The project idea arose spontaneously (we drove on the highway Simferopol-Sevastopol, and noticed a blooming garden). Thanks to the professional work of all the people, the project has been implemented for a day. As it turned out, we had “last spring wagon” is rapidly expiring flowering. A few days after the shooting in the trees already there was not a flower.
We are very fortunate in everything! Models, Alla and Ella immediately agreed to participate in the project, despite the fact that it should take place “tomorrow morning”, a weekday. Wonderful stylist make-up artist, Nadin Elizarova also supported us – began her, already busy day, almost two hours ahead of schedule. After all, it was necessary to come up with and implement a style and makeup “mom.” Traditionally, all the work was done perfectly! Valery Kuznetsova, our fashion designer, made incredible. The fact that we had only one dress for “mom.” The same dress for the “daughter”, Valeria sewed for a half-day. What else is there to say – the team!
Model: Alla, Ella, Richard (
Style Makeover “mother”: Nadin Elizarova
Designer Clothes: Valery Kuznetsova
Meet a series of images, and are not strictly sudite- this is my first attempt in this format, which in the future may replace my priority wedding shooting 🙂
See the music:
Thanks to all participants for the project! 🙂