“Crimean Provence”
What should be the first post on the new site? Of course, “About Love”.
Sincere love, light, and happy!
Great friends of our family – Dmitry and Anna, these words about them 100%. History of the creation of their family – a separate issue and worthy subject for a novel. But today is not about that. And the fact that sooner or later everyone meets the man, c which he is well, comfortable and quiet. A man with whom feel a whole, with whom you are sharing one happiness, joy or sorrow one. And God forbid anyone meet on your path of life of the man, thinking about that, you can say with confidence – I have everything.
Perhaps many have seen a series of photographs of Dima and Ani Crimean lavender fields. But today, Valentine’s Day and the opening day of the new website, the first post I would like to dedicate this bright pair (which, incidentally, will soon expect a refill. I have no doubt, will be “one” bright man on earth :)).
The smell of lavender, the rays of the setting sun through the hair, light flying dress … and crazy energy of love, which hovered around us on this shoot. It was awesome!
And a few backstage photo:
You know, schaste- it around! Only need to be able to catch it and completely surrender to the senses!
Protect your loved ones, because it is so important!
♥Congratulations, my friends! All love and peace!♥